
Join ECEP at SIGCSE 2015

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    ECEP will be represented through a number of panels and workshops during the 2015 SIGCSE conference.  The conference runs March 4-7, 2015 in Kansas City, Missouri. Please see their website for more details. Below, a preview of ECEP’s contributions to the event.

    ECEP states celebrate CS Ed Week 2014

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      This year, Computer Science Education Week is more popular and ambitious in scope than ever before. December 8-14, students across the country, and internationally, will be introduced to the basic concepts of computer science. Many will be using Hour of Code tutorials, including a lesson inspired by the movie Frozen. ECEP states are planning big and are yielding impressive results. Please read on for details and links.

      ACCESS celebrates new laws advancing CS education

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        ECEP partner the Alliance for California Computing Education for Students and Schools (ACCESS) is proudly contributing to the growing interest in expanding computer science education in California. In a major landmark, on September 30, 2014 Governor Jerry Brown signed bills AB 1765, SB 1200 and AB 1539 in support of making computer science count. ACCESS gathered over 10,000 signatures on a petition to develop computing education, and continues to work with, Technet, the Computer Science Teachers Association and others to ensure computer science opportunities are available to all California students. ACCESS Chair and UC Irvine Professor Debra Richardson notes, …

        What Massachusetts computing teachers learned in summer 2014

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          Through eight ECEP-sponsored professional development workshops in Massachusetts, teachers from across the state were given the opportunity to reinvigorate their teaching practices with new techniques and curricula. Some participating teachers were novices in the field of computer science, and were looking for guidance in introducing the subject. Others were focused on inspiring students who may have been turned off to computing in the past. With offerings involving video game programming, art making, and robotics competitions, teachers learned a variety of innovative approaches –and had a lot of fun in the process. See, for example, the App Inventor video created by …

          Join ECEP at the 2015 Tapia Conference

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            ECEP will be represented through a panel and workshop during the 2015 Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing. The conference runs February 18-21, 2015 in Boston, Massachusetts. Please see their website for more details. Below, a preview of ECEP’s contributions to the event. (Schedule will be posted when available from the conference.)


            Seven teacher workshops in Massachusetts gain ECEP support

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              The Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) alliance is delighted to announce its support of a variety of professional development offerings for K-12 Massachusetts teachers this summer.

              ECEP surveyed Massachusetts computing teachers to understand their professional development needs, as well as the barriers that make participation difficult. In response, ECEP is supporting workshops across the state on a range of topics and in various formats, from seminars to full week hands-on workshops. ECEP also shared the survey results with professional development providers across the state to encourage the development of expanded and coordinated opportunities to help teachers prepare to teach computing. …